Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Married Man greatest resource is his Woman

By Odusina Adewale Hiworks

A Married Man greatest resource is his Woman; NOT WOMEN. The bible says when a man finds that woman, he obtains favour from God, implying as a man sees his woman, he is seeing the symbol of God's favour.

What does the woman ask in return for the favour, Committed Love and affection with all that is attached to that. When a man discovers this truth and initiates corresponding actions towards his woman, favour 'JABURATAIZES' and you can infer what that means.

A woman multiplies everything she is given spiritually and physically; give her sincere love and affection and she will give you her life in return. Give a Woman a house and you will get a Home. Give her your seed and she will give you Children, Give her a voice and she will deliver the nation to you. However,  Hurt or cheat a Woman and she will bring the gate of hell to your door step. Shikeynah!!!